
Allessa’s Crossing – a small city in the Realm that has been undergoing territorial conflicts for centuries

Arcane Tactics – a style of fighting that allows mages to use their magi in combat taught at Nightfall Academy

Blood Mage – a ranking given to a mage who possesses the ability to use blood magic

Blood Mage Elite – The superior military force of Raven Falls

Bloodroot – A plant that contains magi and can be used in potions

Dragonborn of Romethus – The elite and secretive blood mages that work under Roran’s command.

Dragon’s Tail – A plant that contains magi and can be used in potions

Fairy Daisy – A beautiful flower with medicinal powers

Jocelyn city – One of the three ruling cities in the Realm that does not have a monarchy

Jupiter Drop – a flowering plant with several small silver buds

Kagenin – a secret organization that has apparently been operating in the Realm and the outside world for some time

Kuthrote Root – a deadly poisonous root that is hard to find

Mage – a ranking given to a person that has the ability to control the magi in their blood and wield it

Nightfall Academy – The academy created by the Realm to train any potential mages in the outside world

Nightshade – a flower that only blooms in the light of the full moon for a few minutes

Pixies – Tiny spirit creatures that have survived and stayed hidden deep in forests protected from humans in the outside world

Raven falls – One of the three ruling cities in the Realm that has blood mages that worship a blood god and where blood mages are in power

Realm – A world sealed away by a curse cast long ago of mages and magic that has recently been reconnected to the outside world

Roran – One of the three ruling cities in the Realm that despise blood mages and worship the Goddess Sairyn and their ancestral dragon god, Rometheus

Ryden Hall – A hidden locale in London where blood mages roam free

Torch sprout – a bright red flower, about a foot high, with petals that resembles fire

Wind Fern – A plant that produces needles sharper than senbon and that can be used as weapons

Eternal Night
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